James Lee

Kingsuk Majumder

Web & Mobile App Developer

Part Time IoT & Robotics Enthusiast

About Me

I love to program and have done so for 8,000 hours over the past three years.

I liked computer games as a kid, and wanted to make my own. I heard computers are a good career too, so I went to college in computer science. Once I was there I realized writing code was what I like the best. I like the challenge of it, and working close to the hardware. I do my best work in very complicated systems, because I’m good at keeping track of many details and making few mistakes. I want to do this sort of work moving forward, especially as long as I get to work on something lots of people will use!

Latest Projects

Work Experience

Freelancer - (2018 - Present)

Python, ASP .NET, MVC, Web Api
Azure , AWS , Digital Ocean
MSSQL Server, Oracle
Javascript, Angular

System Engineer - Tata Consultancy Services (2017,Feb - 2017, Dec)

ASP .NET, MVC, Web Api
MSSQL Server
Javascript, Angular(5)

Software Engineer - Tier5 Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (2015 - 2017)

PHP, Laravel , CodeIgniter
Javascript,JQuery, AngularJs
Embaded System, Arduino

My GitHub

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